Adhiraj Chintakrindi is a reputable leader in the software industry and works for a major company. Immediately following his graduation, he was employed. Adhiraj Chintakrindi currently serves as the software IT consultant and middleware administrator. Working in these positions requires Adhiraj Chintakrindi to provide superior and knowledgeable customer service. Here he offers some tips on how to conduct the highest level of customer service in any industry.

Listen. Adhiraj Chintakrindi notes that the first and most important step in customer service is to listen. It is important that you fully understand the problem at hand, but more importantly it is crucial that the customer believes you are listening. Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes that listening to customers’ complaints without interruption will help diffuse any tension and it will encourage the customer to be courteous moving forward in the conversation.

Restate their concerns. Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes that when you start answering the concerns of the customer you should restate some of their talking points. This shows the customer that you understand the problem and you were listening to their statement.

Be sympathetic and helpful. Finally, Adhiraj Chintakrindi states that you must act
sympathetic and provide assistance to the customer. If your company did something wrong, apologize, then make it right. Adhiraj Chintakrindi suggests putting yourself in the customer’s shoes and thinking about how you would want the situation handled. This will ensure you always have their best interest in mind. If a customer feels like you understand them, they will always leave feeling satisfied.

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