Adhiraj Chintakrindi is an innovator in the software industry. Currently, Adhiraj Chintakrindi is employed as a software IT consultant. Adhiraj Chintakrindi is originally from India and took a huge risk moving to the United States to fulfill his dreams of working with software. After making the move, Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes he discovered many of his hidden talents because he took a chance. Here he offers insight on how you can uncover your hidden talents.

Do not compare yourself with others. Adhiraj Chintakrindi notes that people often compare themselves to those who surround them. You must fight this urge and realize everyone is in a different stage in life. It is impossible to weigh yourself up next to someone else because you are your own person. Adhiraj Chintakrindi states to embrace your individuality and have confidence!

Face your fears. The only way to grow is to face your fears. Adhiraj Chintakrindi is convinced that the best way to discover your hidden talents is to confront your fears head on. Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes that once your doubts and fears have been cast aside, new doors will automatically open.

Start something new. Adhiraj Chintakrindi states that if there is something that interests you, start it. Do not let your past doubts handicap you from pursuing something you might be great at. Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes it is important to push our limits and try new things because our true potential will shine.

Do not quit. If you always try your hardest and never quit, failure is not an option.

Adhiraj Chintakrindi is a highly recognized leader in the software industry. Adhiraj Chintakrindi currently serves as a software IT consultant and middleware administrator at a major company. Working in a competitive industry can cause many people to get run down, but Adhiraj Chintakrindi has worked to combat the negative in his life. Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes it is important to constantly pursue a positive lifestyle, and here he offers some tips on how to start that today.

Let go. Adhiraj Chintakrindi notes that many people worry about things that are out of their control. When you think back on your day, how much of it is engaged in worry? Adhiraj Chintakrindi states that you must eliminate these thoughts in order to have a healthy and stress-free life. Accept that you cannot control everything and move on.

Make things right. Is there something in your life that you feel guilty about and need to fix? If so, Adhiraj Chintakrindi suggests taking care of that situation. It is important to forget about the past; however, if it is haunting you then you should go back and resolve the situation.

Stop putting yourself down. Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes that you should highlight the positive qualities within yourself. It is easy to convince yourself that you are not good enough, especially in stressful situations. However, just because you think it doesn’t mean it is true! Adhiraj Chintakrindi states to be proud of who you are and embrace your good attributes.

Be grateful. Most importantly, Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes you should think of what you are grateful for in your life. When you highlight the positives, you will always find inner peace.

Adhiraj Chintakrindi is distinguished leader in the software industry. Currently, Adhiraj Chintakrindi is serving as a software IT consultant and middleware administrator at a major company. With these jobs comes great responsibility, and Adhiraj Chintakrindi is often crunched for time. It is important to Adhiraj Chintakrindi to always maintain a healthy and stress-free lifestyle, and he has managed to do just that. Here he offers tips and advice to those struggling to manage the stresses that come with everyday life.

Eliminate the negative. Although this may seem like an obvious step, Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes it is the most crucial. If you want to live a more positive lifestyle, then you must eliminate the negative. So how do we distinguish what is negatively impacting our lives? Adhiraj Chintakrindi recommends thinking about certain things that cause us to worry or have anxiety. Now, Adhiraj Chintakrindi does not suggest going and quitting your job because it is stressful; however, look for ways to eliminate the negative aspects of your position. If something you listed is not crucial to your life, just eliminate it all together.
List things you are thankful for. Adhiraj Chintakrindi recommends keeping an ongoing list of things in your life that you are thankful for. More times than none, we get caught up in all the negatives that impact our lives each day. By listing everything that is favorable in your life, it will help you maintain positive thoughts and eliminate stress.

Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes by implementing these two simple tips, you will be on your way to a happy and healthy life.

Adhiraj Chintakrindi is a highly regarded professional in the software industry. Currently, Adhiraj Chintakrindi serves as a software IT consultant and a middleware administrator. As one of the few individuals that received a job right out of school, Adhiraj Chintakrindi did not have to spend a lot of time on the job market. Nevertheless, Adhiraj Chintakrindi understands that finding a job can be extremely difficult and the entire application process can be exhausting. Here he offers tips to individuals hunting for jobs to make the process less stressful and more effective.

Utilize your school’s career center. Adhiraj Chintakrindi is astonished that many graduates will never meet with a career counselor during or after college. It is a free service provided by your school, so take advantage of it. Adhiraj Chintakrindi states that the professional advisors will give you insight regarding your résumé, cover letter, and interview skills.

Set up a LinkedIn. Although LinkedIn might seem overrated, Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes it is a huge asset to anyone looking for a job. There are thousands of jobs posted on LinkedIn every day, and you can search for ones in your area and/or industry. Furthermore, Adhiraj Chintakrindi states that applicants can see if any of their networking connections know someone at a specific company. Knowing someone at a company could help you get your foot in the door, which is extremely helpful nowadays.

Follow-up. Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes the most important step in the application process is to follow-up on your application. Employers get thousands of applications for certain positions, and it is important to do whatever you can to stand out. A simple email or phone call will get the job done.

Adhiraj Chintakrindi is a distinguished leader in the software industry. Adhiraj Chintakrindi is currently employed as a software IT consultant. Having a job dealing with the public is not for everyone, but Adhiraj Chintakrindi enjoys interacting with different people on a regular basis. Adhiraj Chintakrindi has made it his personal goal to bring happiness and joy to those that surround him. Here are four easy ways to ensure you make someone’s day!

Give a compliment. Adhiraj Chintakrindi notes that everyone loves compliments; however, he believes that people rarely say them. Do not be embarrassed about complimenting a stranger—you have nothing to lose!

Pay it forward. Adhiraj Chintakrindi suggests that if you are in line for your morning coffee, to pay for the person behind you. It will not be a considerable cost to you, and it will be sure to brighten up the day of the person next to you in line.

Gossip positively. Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes that too many people spread negative gossip about others. A way to combat this issue is to gossip positively. Look for traits in those around you who are favorable and spread the word. It will be sure to create positive morale within your network.

Engage in conversation. Adhiraj Chintakrindi notes that there is a time and place for conversation—and it is not for everyone! However, if someone around you needs advice or attention, give it. We often go about our day and do not engage with people around us. A simple exchange of words can make someone’s job more enjoyable, or simply make their day better.

Adhiraj Chintakrindi is a reputable leader in the software industry and works for a major company. Immediately following his graduation, he was employed. Adhiraj Chintakrindi currently serves as the software IT consultant and middleware administrator. Working in these positions requires Adhiraj Chintakrindi to provide superior and knowledgeable customer service. Here he offers some tips on how to conduct the highest level of customer service in any industry.

Listen. Adhiraj Chintakrindi notes that the first and most important step in customer service is to listen. It is important that you fully understand the problem at hand, but more importantly it is crucial that the customer believes you are listening. Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes that listening to customers’ complaints without interruption will help diffuse any tension and it will encourage the customer to be courteous moving forward in the conversation.

Restate their concerns. Adhiraj Chintakrindi believes that when you start answering the concerns of the customer you should restate some of their talking points. This shows the customer that you understand the problem and you were listening to their statement.

Be sympathetic and helpful. Finally, Adhiraj Chintakrindi states that you must act
sympathetic and provide assistance to the customer. If your company did something wrong, apologize, then make it right. Adhiraj Chintakrindi suggests putting yourself in the customer’s shoes and thinking about how you would want the situation handled. This will ensure you always have their best interest in mind. If a customer feels like you understand them, they will always leave feeling satisfied.

Adhiraj Chintakrindi is a highly recognized professional in the software industry. Adhiraj Chintakrindi currently serves as a software IT consultant. Obtaining a job after college can be a difficult task, and Adhiraj Chintakrindi was one of the few individuals who obtained a position in his specific sector immediately following school. Adhiraj Chintakrindi provides useful tips to those newly out of school and searching the job market.

Stay relevant. Adhiraj Chintakrindi notes that many students will never open a book again after graduation. He warns to fight to urge to be lazy, and to continuously expand your knowledge in your field of interest. Industries are always changing and new information is being released on a daily basis, so it is exceedingly important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. When you go into a job interview, you never want to appear outdated or like you are not knowledgeable of your industry. Adhiraj Chintakrindi is convinced that school can teach concepts, but it is up to us to personally master our industries.

Conduct informational interviews. Are you having trouble getting your foot in the door at companies? Are they not calling you back for interviews once you apply? Adhiraj Chintakrindi recommends contacting the human resource departments at companies of interest to you and conducting informational interviews. This will give graduates the chance to build a network and learn more about and organization. Many of the jobs on the market never get posted to public outlets, so it is important to know people internally at the companies you desire to work for.

Adhiraj Chintakrindi is an individual who is extremely passionate about charity. Throughout the years, Adhiraj Chintakrindi has partnered with various nonprofit organizations to offer his assistance. Adhiraj Chintakrindi aspires to be a positive influence and hopes his actions encourage more people to serve. Here he offers insight and easy tips on how to get involved with an organization that interests you.

Establish what sector you want to serve in. First, Adhiraj Chintakrindi notes that you must establish what nonprofit you would like to do work for. If you do not know a specific organization, at least eliminate it down to a cause. Do you want to serve the homeless, fight human trafficking, or contribute to cancer research? All are great causes, but find one that you are personally passionate about. Adhiraj Chintakrindi states that once you have established a sector to conduct online research. There are various outlets to find out more information about nonprofits, which will help eliminate it down to a specific organization.

Figure out what you can offer the organization. Adhiraj Chintakrindi notes that all nonprofits need volunteers in various areas within the organization. If you are a web developer, perhaps you could pitch the idea of remodeling an organization’s website free of charge. There are always innovative ways to serve using your talents and interests. Volunteering should always be enjoyable!

Contact the volunteer manager at the nonprofit. Adhiraj Chintakrindi states that once you have established what you can offer the company, you can now contact them. It is important to pitch your idea and ask what other similar opportunities may be available.

Adhiraj Chintakrindi is a leader in the software industry. Adhiraj Chintakrindi is currently employed as the software IT consultant. As an individual working in a competitive sector, Adhiraj Chintakrindi is aware that obtaining your ideal job can be an extremely difficult task. Here he offers some advice on how to take advantage of every opportunity on the market, and ultimately obtain your dream job. 

  • Research. Adhiraj Chintakrindi notes that if you have a specific company that you would like to work for, it is important to constantly be immersed in their newsletters. Jobs go quickly in competitive industries, and it is important that you apply for a position shortly after it is posted.
  • Informational interviews. Adhiraj Chintakrindi states that the majority of jobs that go on the market are never advertised, thus, it is crucial to know someone within the company. If you have not previously worked for the company, it is possible to conduct an informational interview with someone in a department of interest to you. This will help you form a connection with someone internally within the corporation, which could lead to possible job opportunities in the future.
  • Submit your résumé in person. Employers receive thousands of applications for each position they post, and it is important to stand out. Adhiraj Chintakrindi recommends that if you are really interested in a position to put your résumé directly in the hands of someone at the company. More times than none our applications will not even be viewed, but this will guarantee someone at the organization sees it.