Adhiraj Chintakrindi is a leader in the software industry. Adhiraj Chintakrindi is currently employed as the software IT consultant. As an individual working in a competitive sector, Adhiraj Chintakrindi is aware that obtaining your ideal job can be an extremely difficult task. Here he offers some advice on how to take advantage of every opportunity on the market, and ultimately obtain your dream job. 

  • Research. Adhiraj Chintakrindi notes that if you have a specific company that you would like to work for, it is important to constantly be immersed in their newsletters. Jobs go quickly in competitive industries, and it is important that you apply for a position shortly after it is posted.
  • Informational interviews. Adhiraj Chintakrindi states that the majority of jobs that go on the market are never advertised, thus, it is crucial to know someone within the company. If you have not previously worked for the company, it is possible to conduct an informational interview with someone in a department of interest to you. This will help you form a connection with someone internally within the corporation, which could lead to possible job opportunities in the future.
  • Submit your résumé in person. Employers receive thousands of applications for each position they post, and it is important to stand out. Adhiraj Chintakrindi recommends that if you are really interested in a position to put your résumé directly in the hands of someone at the company. More times than none our applications will not even be viewed, but this will guarantee someone at the organization sees it.

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